Interim Management

Interim Management

VISAMED pro­vides inter­im man­age­ment resources and skills to man­age a peri­od of tran­si­tion, cri­sis or change.

Your advan­tages: speed, our exper­tise, objec­tiv­i­ty and integri­ty. We main­tain high pro­fes­sion­al stan­dards because our future work relies upon a suc­cess­ful track record and your refer­ral. At VISAMED, we have expe­ri­ence in lead­ing devel­op­ment teams, assur­ing reg­u­la­to­ry com­pli­ance with world­wide med­ical device reg­u­la­tion. Project plan­ning: tasks, resource allo­ca­tion using estab­lished and project man­age­ment techniques.

VISAMED pro­vid­ed inter­im man­age­ment sup­port to med­ical device com­pa­nies in Europe and the USA.